Installing and operating a window fan in your home can make a big difference in saving money while keeping indoor air refreshing and comfortable. Less costly than air conditioning, window fans help circulate cooler air and help save you money during the warm spring days.
Benefits of Window Fans
There are a number of benefits that come with having one or two, or several window fans in your home. First and foremost, they can help reduce energy costs by making air conditioning units more efficient. They don't require any tools and can be installed quickly and best of all, Holmes Window Fans have been specifically designed to fit almost any kind of window.
The primary benefit of a window fan is that it can be used to pull in cool, fresh air from the outside or, it can be used to exhaust stale indoor air. With an electronically reversible fan such as the Holmes® Electronically Reversible Twin Window Fan, you get the added bonus of one fan blade pulling in the fresh air and the second one blowing out the stale, indoor air. Additional features may also include thermostats, remote controls and temperature displays. These are great for providing optimal comfort as you have the ability to customize settings according to your schedule and room temperature preferences.
Both the Holmes® Twin Window Fan with Reversible Air Flow Control and the Holmes® Electronically Reversible Twin Window Fan use up to 60 percent less energy by shutting off when your desired temperature setting is reached. (Based on standard residential space cooling.)
Do's and Don'ts of Window Fans
There are a few helpful do's and don'ts to know when it comes to proper use of window fans.