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<div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="8864247">
<h2 class="bvseo-question">
I just unearthed this product after &gt;15 years in its box on a shelf. With out of control allergies this spring, I&rsquo;d like to try this purifier to see if it will help. I found the HEPA filter replacement, but cannot find the foam prefilter. Can you help?
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<div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: Dmarko64</div>
<div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="7907463">
Hi there, Dmarko64! Thank you for choosing Holmes&reg;️. We hope you are doing well and safe. We are more than happy to assist you. The replacement carbon filter for the air purifier model HAP242B-U, is the filter part number BHOR311. If you need further assistance regarding this matter, you may reach us by visiting the Contact Us page of this website. We're here for you Monday to Friday from 9:00 am till 5:00 pm EST. Our product specialists will be more than happy to help you. Have a nice day!
<div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Holmes Consumer Care</div>
<div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2023-04-13</div>
<div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5513923">
<h2 class="bvseo-question">
I wasn&rsquo;t aware to only leave the ionizer on for 8 hours at a time. Mine has been on since I got my air purifiers. Does this damage the purifiers? And why is it bad to leave them on? Thank you!&nbsp;
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<div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: katbrown01</div>
<div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="7539622">
Hi katbrown01! Thank you for choosing Holmes&reg;️. We are more than happy to assist you with your concern. You can run ionizer between 12 and 24 hours. The more often you run your air purifier, the better it'll do at cleaning your air. Ionizers are helpful if you have allergies, asthma, or chemical sensitivities, as ionic air purifiers more effectively remove pollutants ranging from pollen, mold, dust, and pet dander to viruses, smoke, odors, and chemical toxins. We hope this information helps. Have a wonderful day!
<div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Holmes Consumer Care</div>
<div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-15</div>
<div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5540933">
<h2 class="bvseo-question">
How to clean inside
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<div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: MaeLee</div>
<div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="7539406">
Hi MaeLee! Thank you for choosing Holmes&reg;️. We are more than happy to assist you with your concern. If you wish to clean the inside part of your air purifier, we advise for you to use a soft damp cloth to wipe the dust inside, and use a can of compressed air to remove small particles on some parts. Please avoid washing any parts inside with water for your safety and mechanism of the unit. We hope this information helps. Have a wonderful day!
<div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Holmes Consumer Care</div>
<div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-15</div>
<div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5602092">
<h2 class="bvseo-question">
I kept the ionizer on for a few days by accident. Will that effect the overall efficiency of the product?
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<div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: CLizaG</div>
<div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="7537077">
Hi CLizaG! Thank you for choosing Holmes&reg;️. We hope you are staying healthy and safe. We understand that the ionizer stays on for few days and you want to know if that affect the overall efficiency of the air purifier. We are more than happy to assist. Upon checking, that will not affect the efficiency of the unit however, the ionizer in this appliance produces less ozone than the UL* established limits of 50ppb. However, in high concentrations, ozone can be harmful to birds and small pets. To prevent ozone buildup, we suggest using the ionizer in well ventilated areas with the air purifier fan on and you may want to run the ionizer less often. I hope this information helps. Have a nice day!
<div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Holmes Consumer Care</div>
<div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-13</div>
<div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5573361">
<h2 class="bvseo-question">
Do this product come with at least one filter Already in the product? Or do you have to purchase filters separately? I only need this for a short time which is why I was curious about the product having one filter included.
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<div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: Libby Ann</div>
<div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="7535705">
Hi Libby Ann! Thank you for choosing Holmes&reg;️. We are more than happy to assist you with your concern. Yes, our air purifiers come with a stock filter when newly bought. The filter may automatically be placed inside of the unit, or needs to be mounted first. We hope that we were able to help you out. Have a wonderful day!
<div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Holmes Consumer Care</div>
<div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-12</div>
<div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5605855">
<h2 class="bvseo-question">
Does this have the ionizer or not? &nbsp;Listed as optional.&nbsp;
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<div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: DavidJW</div>
<div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="7534486">
Hi DavidJW! Thank you for choosing Holmes&reg;️. We are more than happy to assist you with your concern. The air purifier model HAP242B-U has an ionizer feature. It is called 'optional ionizer' because it can be turned on/off depending on your personal preference. When turned on, the optional ionizer feature releases negative ions into outgoing filtered air to help the air purification process. We hope that we were able to help you. Have a wonderful day!
<div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Holmes Consumer Care</div>
<div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-11</div>
<div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5628507">
<h2 class="bvseo-question">
Does the unit have an indicator light to let you know when filters need replacing?
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<div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: Moongma</div>
<div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="7534467">
Hi Moongma! Thank you for choosing Holmes&reg;️. We are more than happy to assist you with your concern. No, this air purifier model HAP242B-U does not have a filter indicator. However, in terms of changing your filter: Filter life will vary, depending on air quality and usage. Under normal conditions of continuous use, Filters with a 4 month filter life: Wash the foam pre-filter and replace the filter(s) after 4 months of operation. Filters with a 12 month filter life: After 4 months of operation, it is recommended to wash the foam pre-filter. We hope that we were able to help you. Have a wonderful day!
<div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Holmes Consumer Care</div>
<div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-11</div>
<div class="bvseo-question-answer" data-questionid="5604307">
<h2 class="bvseo-question">
I have 2 Holmes HAP242 series, HEPA-Type Desktop Air Purifiers, 4 yrs old. We need new/stronger air filters that will lesson allergies, ahsma, pet dander. We are in our late 60's. Will the filters your website lists, fit my older model? thanks-KL
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<div class="bvseo-author">Asked by: krabby</div>
<div class="bvseo-answer" data-answerid="7534433">
Hi krabby! Thank you for choosing Holmes&reg;️. We apologize for the confusion, ware more than happy to assist you with your concern. Since you're looking for a replacement filter that will help you will your allergies and pet dander, we recommend that you use the HAPF300AHD aer1 True HEPA Allergen Remover Air Purifier Filter. It can be purchased through our partner retailers Amazon, Walmart, and Target online or physical stores. We hope that we were able to help you. Have a wonderful day!
<div class="bvseo-author">Answered by: Holmes Consumer Care</div>
<div class="bvseo-pubdate">Date published: 2022-07-11</div>
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